Tuesday 28 June 2011

Let's face the music - and talk : poll results

Hi there!

I know, I know.. it feels like years that you voted for your favourite Ennio Morricone tune - and it was a bit of a tug-of-war between A FEW DOLLARS MORE and THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY..

But finally THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY won this race by 3 : 2 .. (and don't you dare to decide which of these lovely ladies on the picture is the bad or any else one! ...)

So here you have the winner again - and this time I show you the opening credits.

I don't know how you feel about opening credits - but I like it when I get something to watch - and not just names and such.. - I am an avid reader but in films I act like a true illiterate and a voluntary illiterate in addition.. - like when you just learned to read but still want your mom to read stories to you.. (and I won't reveal that most of the time the letters on TV-screen start to blur right before my eyes.. curse you - mean, lazy peepers of mine..)

(Film-folks: Make the letters big and don't let them fly over the screen that fast, please - esp. when it comes to end credits!)

And I just like this intro to THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY- it's so much 60s.. -it's artistic in a typical late 60s style - and at the same time you see that it is made to fit in a classic-wild-west-style..

Here we go - watch, listen and enjoy - and don't mind my silly chuckle when the man's voice sings "ahahaha"... *hihihi* I love that!! ... :

Thank you all for voting!

Yours (very well and) truly


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I really appreciate your comments - I'll read them all and if I can think of an answer I'll post it. :")